How to create a Route Game

Wittario Studio
July 23, 2024

Option 1: Start a game from the Dashboard

  1. Click on "Create a game".
  2. Enter a title for the game and click on "Create".
  3. Create your own tasks or import tasks from the library.

Option 2: Start a game from the Library

  1. Go to the Library.
  2. Find and open the task collection you want to create a grid game from.

3. Click on the gear icon and then on the game button.

Create game

General steps for both options

  1. Select the game variant "Route Game" - choose type and save!
  2. Go to the Game task tab:
    • Edit the number of tasks, order, or content if desired.
  3. Enter the route details in red tab:
    • The map will zoom in on your position.
    • Place the tasks where you want the checkpoints to appear. Click to select a task and place the arrow on the map position. Continue this for all tasks.
    • When ready, start game with play button.

When the game starts

  • You can choose to see the players while they are out solving tasks.

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