Game types in Wittario Studio

Wittario Studio
July 25, 2024

When you have created (or imported) tasks to your collection, you can easily choose between different game variants. You start a new game by pressing the green game icon you find when you are in your task collection. You can also start a game directly from the Dashboard. (Click here if you want to know how to start a game)

Note that once you start the game, changes you make here will not affect the task collection or the template you used. This means you can edit and change tasks after you have clicked "create a game". Here are the game variants you can choose from:

Stationary Game

This game variant requires no movement from the player to complete. You start the game with the game code, and the tasks come consecutively in the set order.

The stationary game is well-suited for testing your newly created game or when you don't want the player to move.

Can be played:

- In the app

- In the web client

- Indoors

- Outdoors

QR Game

This game variant creates a QR code per task in the game. The game variant is often used as a visit game at fairs, etc.

If you enable "Location Description" in this game, you can add task hints about where the next task is located. The location description opens in a new red tab, where you can add both images and text. Perfect for creating a digital nature trail, treasure hunt, etc.

Remember to select "Download the game's PDF" when sharing the game. You will get a document with all the QR codes needed to play the game.

Can be played:

- In the app

- Indoors

- Outdoors

Route Game

This game variant uses GPS signals (via the app), and tasks will appear on the screen when you arrive at the specified map point. You should set one map point per task in the game. The map points are registered on the map in the "Route Details" tab, after choosing between the different route variants:


- Here, each player follows the same route throughout the game. Everyone starts with the first task. Only one map point becomes visible in the app at the time.


- Here, the entire route is open, allowing players to pick tasks and map points in any order they choose. The compass and distance to the next task will not be displayed, but all map points will be visible on the map simultaneously in the app.


- Here, the order of the tasks (map points) is random for each player. All players get a random start and order of tasks. Only one map point becomes visible in the app at a time, but everyone follows a different route.


- Here, players follow the same route but are assigned individual start points. For example, one player may start at map point 1, the next at map point 2, then 3, and so on. The order of the tasks follows the specified sequence. Only one map point becomes visible in the app at a time.

All route games can be played:

- In the app

- Outdoors

Learn how to create route games here!

Distance Game

When choosing the distance game, players must walk a specified number of meters between each task. When creating this game variant, a new tab with red text: "Distance Details" will appear. There are two ways to set up the distance.

1. Register the total number of meters for the entire game and distribute evenly among the tasks. Enter the total number of meters and press enter. The distance between each task is calculated.

2. Register the number of meters between each task manually, allowing for differentiation. For example, many choose to enter only 1 meter before the first task is opened in the game.

PS! It is not recommended to have more than approximately 150 meters between each task, as many phones quickly go into auto-lock or sleep mode. If the screen is black (inactive), the app will not register the number of meters walked. Players should therefore keep the game (phone) active throughout the game.

Can be played:

- In the app

- Outdoors (or indoors in large buildings)

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