Tying shoelaces...

Play, move, learn

Step into the future of learning with Wittario's outdoor classroom

Create your own game
Easily create your own game
in Wittario Manager
share the game code
Share the Game Code with
friends or colleagues
go out and play!
Play the game with
the Wittario App!

Multiple-choice? Photo? AR?

There are many ways to play a game. Having different types of tasks creates variety and fun.

AR? Photo? Choose your task types!

Adapt the game to your needs

Choose from several different game types. Choose to play with or without movement. Choose to play indoors or outdoors.

Route game
Gamemaster places tasks in a specified route. Participants must follow the specified route in the Wittario app to retrieve and answer the tasks. Played outdoors.
distance game
Gamemaster distributes the tasks in a specified distance. The participants must move the specified distance in the Wittario app to access and answer the tasks. Played outdoors.
qr game
Gamemaster creates games with individual or group QR codes. These can be printed and placed with or without location hints. Participants must scan the QR code(s) to retrieve and answer the tasks. Played both indoors and outdoors.
no movement game
Gamemaster creates a game where the tasks automatically appear and are answered continuously when the game is started. Played both indoors and outdoors.

Game library

Gamemaster can draw inspiration for content and tasks from the game library, where there are more than 1,000 ready-made templates. Our customers can share and get inspiration with each other in our open and internal library. The templates are downloaded with a click you can then edit content and tasks so that the games are adapted to your own wishes and needs.

Sharing games

A GameMaster can invite registered and/or unregistered users to participate in a game in several ways:

E-mail invite

Invite participants via email from Wittario Manager. The email will contain a link, a QR code and a game code that will start the game automatically. Registered players will also find games they have been invited to inside the Wittario app.

Link sharing

Share the game as an active URL/link. This link can be placed in any text, for example mail and sms. When the player clicks on the link via their mobile phone, the game starts automatically.

QR code

Share a QR code to start the game. This QR code is scanned with the mobile camera and the game starts automatically.


A Game Master can share a game code to start the game. When the player opens the app and enters the game code, the game starts automatically.

Results & Leaderboard

Once the game has started, the Gamemaster can monitor the game result either per player or per task. The leaderboard is continuously updated. All answers can be seen directly in the game report. Video, image and free text answers can be easily downloaded. Multiple choice questions are accumulated and displayed as a pie chart.

Wittario Manager

In Wittario Manager, our web-based management tool, a GameMaster can create, share and manage their own content and games. A GameMaster can easily add their own learning content by uploading video, images and text. This learning content can easily be connected to different task types and distributed as the desired game variant. A Gamemaster can also invite players to participate in their games and follow game results and answers.

Get started. It’s free!

The best way to see if you like it, is to try it out. Signing up to Wittario Manager completely free!


Want us to show you around?

Want to have a talk about how you might use Wittario?
Request demo with us, and we’ll happily have a talk when it suits you!

Remember, it’s always free to try it out yourself.
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